No Vacancy

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Kirrily Anderson

Kirrily Anderson
330h x 285w (framed size)
ink and watercolour on paper

“There is something of the marvelous in all things nature.”

- Aristotle

Inspired by the unique and diverse landscape of the Chiltern-Mount Pilot National Park in North East Victoria, which surrounds my home, my current work takes a more abstract direction than previously, yet maintains themes of human emotion by exploring the landscapes we feel connected to the most.

Studying tiny elements of the landscape as memory of, and connection to place, my miniature watercolour and ink works depict the still details of my environment. Detailed ink patterns and textures sit atop layers of delicate watercolour on heavyweight cotton rag paper.

The enlargement of a small natural object, I refer to as ‘treasure’, reflects the impact of my connection to where it came from and reveals to the viewer a new depiction of a tiny wonder. The combining of different details or elements of the landscape in a miniature collage style creates a new treasure, encompassing an entire location, experience or memory.

These works connect to their audience through the recognition of specific elements of nature, colours and textures, sparking the viewers own memories of a particular landscape, time or place.

During the time of Covid restrictions these works have become more precious and important as reminder of the beauty which surrounds me.