No Vacancy

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Jane Critcher

Jane Critcher
Acrylic on plywood
30.5 x 30.5cm

For the first time my job is solely in front of a computer and during my breaks I try to get away from the screen. Sometimes I sit on the couch with my tea and blanket and look out into the garden trying to find some electronic free peace. The heater is normally off in my house, and to compensate I always have this blue blanket wrapped around my knees with my thick puffer jacket and my Ugg boots on (much to my friend’s dismay). When thinking of what to paint I thought of how my blue grey mug matches the colour of the blanket and often the sky during this winter lockdown. I wanted to capture this calm moment, the soft light and cool winter temperatures through scratchy pale colours.

 It is curious that the intensity of working from home can be swapped almost instantaneously with the calm of a house in lockdown.